San Martin de Los Andes south to El Chalten, the center of
Argentinean Patagonia
I started by purchasing groceries for the trip in San Martin.
I can’t believe my luck !!
I meet this person with the most amazing smile, a ukulele, and several
CDs of Salsa music. We can’t talk so we
spend the next 4 hours bouncing up and down in our seats to the Salsa
music. I think how Carolyn would love

Below is my new friend from Brazil I met on the road to El Bolson. He had a job lined up there in a camp ground and I was able to give his bike a ride in the back of The Beast. We tried and failed to exchange emails, but I did give him my travel card…. SO PLEASE IF YOU READ PLEASE SEND ME AN email !!! You are such a great person I want to stay in touch !!! I will try to go through El Bolson on my way North so please look for the Beast in town someplace.
So I arrive at the campground in Bolson … I drive in and am
surrounded by French people in Motor Homes…. I am
thinking you must be French to stay there when I met these two with their newly
outfitted van who speak English (they are not French but speak it.) It
turns out there are about 12 or so vehicles all traveling together in an organized
group arranged by a German outfit….. but you must either speech German or
French. Amazingly none have 4 wheel drive !!!!

They look happy because they are happy together. They gave me great intel on camping further

After the beautiful lake district the landscape turned to scrub brush and low hills. If it weren’t for the weird animals running across the road…Guanacos … camel like things and Ostrich like birds…. you might think you were in Eastern Washington (East of Seattle on the dry side of the local mountain range)
Where the road was paved you had to be totally on your game
looking out for truck crushing pot holes.
Most of the time I would just drive down the middle of the road and
swerve into my lane only when faced with large oncoming trucks. I would keep the cruise control on 80 K.
Where the road was not paved I could either drive at 40
kilometers per hour over the washboard… or about 4 k/h (walking speed). I am soooooo tired of driving on crappy dirt
roads with jaw jarring washboard… 2
days of boring driving… no trees… no
mountains.... and I broke my CD player.

One of the most iconic mountain ranges in the world is the Fitzroy range. Chalten is the village at the base of the mountain range. I have seen this skyline in many movies, and read about it in many magazine articles. It’s the one place in all of South America I really wanted to see. Driving The Beast and seeing it slowly appear over the horizon was rather exciting for me like a … like dam this is really happing !!!
I rolled into Chalten and dropped of “Olie” my new German friend and his
bike. When we met, Olie was trying the
impossible: pushing his bike 50
kilometers to Chalten against a 50 kilometer per hour head wind (impossible to
ride). When he is not riding his bike
on crazy trips, he is working in a German chocolate factory. Panos, Olie and I had a great diner
I just loved Chalten.
Hiking, rock climbing, talking to other travelers.
This is the village of Chalten. You can see in the picture beyond the town and
over a bridge, is the 6 pitch rock face that Panos, Fred, and I climbed. As we climbed we could look over our
shoulders to see the towering peaks of the Fitz Roy range.
BTY - all my summer cloths are now stored in a bag under the
Here we are having “mate” (grass like tea) with, (right to left): Panos who I met and climbed
with last summer in the Italian alps, two girls we met in town, and Fred from
They tell me this is a fantastic view of the peaks, but to
me it kind of looked like a dirty lake with a dying glacier at it’s end. This is the problem with Patagonia, the
weather is windy, cloudy, and cold. My
friend Panos (and many many other climbers before him) spent 5 + weeks in
Chalten, just waiting for the weather to clear for just a few days to allow for
a climb…. No luck…. Very frustrating
for him and all the other climbers in town.
This is not unusual.

Rock climbing behind the town of Chalten. The 6 picth climb was super easy and really fun, but one really needs a 70 meter rope… The 60 meter roap we used made the last 3 feet of the repels “interesting”.
Really nice crack on the last pitch.
I was thrilled when I was asked to join the real alpinist on
the hike to their base camp. Below is the hill we started up.. it turned
cloudy as we approached the base of the hill, then as we started up the steep
“root pulling hill”, it started to rain hard, after we climbed 2000 feet it
started to snow, and snowed heavily for
the next 1000 feet. Picture this: in a blizzard that prevented seeing farther that
about 20 feet, soaking wet through to
our underwear, cold even though we are working hard going straight up with full
packs. I am extremely tired trying to
keep up with these guys.
Not to dramatize the situation too much, but when we finally
arrived at the camp Brian was shivering
uncontrollable. His hands were only
marginally useful, and the new foot of snow had to be packed down by stomping
around before the tent could be put up.
If I had not had put the pack cover on at the last minute while packing, everything (sleeping bag and warm cloths)
would have been soaking wet and I would have been in real trouble. He managed to get the tent up, then put dry cloths on, and climb in the dry
sleeping bag. It would take over an hour
to get control over his shivering. Not
really worried, just really focused on what needed to be done.
Every time I woke up I pushed the snow off the tent down the
sides… but now the sides were pushing on
each of my shoulders.. very cozy I thought.
After a entertaining night in the tent (don’t ask me how I peed),
I awoke the next morning to this splendid view. Notice the kitchen space dug out at the
entrance for the stove. My boots are up
on the snow and framing the mountain.
I am blinded by the bright sunshine and stunned by the views all around.
Towards the end of the trail I notice the sign that says the
trail is dangerous and should not be used.
Very wise of me to start from the other end where there are no signs.
The reason for the warning sign was that the “trail” crosses a “river” with no bridge. But the river is really just a small stream and can be crossed by easily hopping over a few boulders. But above the stream is a lake, and above the lake is a glacier. The glacier decides every now and then to drop large chucks of ice into the lake, causing large waves in the lake that subsequently create large torrents of water to cascade down the “small stream”. This would wash away any tourists who happen to be crossing the stream.…..unless of course the tourist is aware of the dangers and takes precautions to watch for such an event and cross quickly with a wary eye upstream.
Too much snow to climb any
peaks we decide to climb up to the pass “PO. Del Cuadrado” This is on the left of the picture below.
I am blinded by the bright sunshine and stunned by the views all around.
Here we are on the Del
Cuadrado pass looking at the famous Fitz Roy peak. Panos is on my right and Gregory is on my
left. I was going to take my shirt off
but my flab would have ruined the view and likely cause everyone to descend in
an uncontrolled manner.
The same day I hike down the mountain and pitch the tent in
an idealic spot in the magical
Birchwood forest. I am completely alone and way off the trail…just the sun, warm soft grass, and the birds… wonderful !!!
Fitz Roy in one of the few moments there are no clouds. You would think that climbers would be on the
mountain in these conditions, but no… when a rope is dropped the wind is so
strong the rope goes up not down.

The reason for the warning sign was that the “trail” crosses a “river” with no bridge. But the river is really just a small stream and can be crossed by easily hopping over a few boulders. But above the stream is a lake, and above the lake is a glacier. The glacier decides every now and then to drop large chucks of ice into the lake, causing large waves in the lake that subsequently create large torrents of water to cascade down the “small stream”. This would wash away any tourists who happen to be crossing the stream.…..unless of course the tourist is aware of the dangers and takes precautions to watch for such an event and cross quickly with a wary eye upstream.
ReplyDeleteI'm living vicariously through you my friend !! Amazing stuff !!