Sunday, February 28, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Ushuaia to Chalten
Patagonia - Ushuaia to El Bolson - Can't get any better than this !!!
3202 kilometers and 53 hours according to google maps. This took The Beast about 60 days or an average of about 52 kilometers (32 miles / day). I can't imagine a more stunning and remote place to take a road trip. Absolutely amazing wildlife, mountains, rivers, forests, glaciers... and crappy roads.
I am finally getting comfortable with the enduring cheek to
cheek method of greeting people here in Chile and Argentine (and I suppose
Spain, France, and all of Latin America). Rest
assured I still great men with a handshake and possibly a hug, but with women
its always cheek to cheek. Of course
there are nuances… to touch or not to touch cheeks, noise or no noise, etc. With
guys there seems to be the universal manly slap on the back …. that loud and
physical confirmation of masculinity and love.

Green bump things
This is the picture near the top of the hill, looking from Argentine across the Beagle channel to Chile and south to Cape Horn. Glaciers every where one looked.
Torres del Paine National Park
We drive into the most famous of Chile's Patagonia National Parks (on crappy dirt roads), Torres del Paine. Argentine has El Chalten and Fitz Roy. Chile has Torres del Paine. The mountain range that is the most beautiful in all of Patagonia depends (you guessed it !!) if you are talking to someone from Argentine or Chile.
On a country to country level, Chile and Argentine don't get along, thus providing a lot of employment. An example of this was evident in Chile with signs along the highway warning of mine fields that were placed in the 1960's. It seems that Pinochet thought it would be a good idea to mine his own land for fear of an invasion by Argentine. I am sure in a fear driving mindset this seemed like a good idea, but looking back at this now seems silly... it's like they defected in their own back yard.
There are several famous hikes in Torres del Paine that have become obligatory with the hundreds of kids backpacking through South America. Susan and I hiked 2 of these. One starts with a ferry ride pictured below.
We ride the ferry to the trail head with about 1000 other tourist who are all down in the hold.
Los Glaciers National Park -
This national park features a tiny portion of a glacier that extends to a lake and frequently “caves” tiny tiny bits of itself, resulting in huge cracking and explosive sounds and massive waves. It is said to be the only glacier that is growing or at least not shrinking. The way the viewing area is set up makes viewing easy and enjoyable. One only has to wait 15 or 20 minutes to see a multistory building size chunk of ice explode and come crashing into the water.
Almost as unique as the Glacier is the jet contrail in the upper left of the picture on left. Something I had not seen in a few months.
Parque National Perito Moreno
We saw this park on the map at the end of a long dead end
road with no idea what it was like. To get to it we drove over an hour off the main paved road on “ripio”. There are many parks like this on the map
both in Chile and Argentine. There are a
few parks that everyone goes to, and then there are the other 99 % that hardly
anyone bothers with. We spent 3 days
here and saw 2 other cars.
Looking north up the valley to the place where we camped.
The wall of the beast opened up on a meadow where we watched foxes, cyotees, various birds, and baby guanacos play. It was like a nature show on TV but live.
Lagos Posadas
On our way across the Andes mountains to boarder with Chile
we were counting on filling up with diesel at this small town. The GPS showed no less than 3
gasolineras. One was closed, the second
you could almost see where it once was, the third was open but was all out of
diesel. The attendant said the tanker truck
would arrive tomorrow afternoon with more.
I thought ya right, the truck will arrive and then Santa Clause will
swoop down and give me some decent ice-cream.
With no particular place to be and now where to go, and being the only
English speaking foreigners for several hundred miles, we decided to enjoy the small town. By small I mean from the town square you could walk 2 blocks in any direction and you would be off the pavement and out of town.

And here is the awards ceremony main attraction. In classic argentine culture, one brings his knife and fork and a plate, and hacks off pieces of meet at will…… Lovely, just like our ancestors. Did I mention I am a vegetarian again ??
Sunglasses is the one with the sunglasses.
A remarkable days drive from the Argentinian desert and pink
flamingos, over the Roballos pass to the Chilean forest and fly fishing
OK , this was embarrassing.
The beast arrives at the boarder post (see small cabin in the distance in the picture above) causing more than the usual commotion
(only one or two cars a day go through the boarder). The bored boarder guards, visibly exited
about an actual customer, and being very curious about this strange truck, and decide The Beast looks suspicious and needs a thorough inspection. Evidently the Beast didn’t like this and,
being parked in one of the only two spots on a slope, starts to empty the top
of his full water tank like a large horse.
Like the professionals that they are the guards ignore this and proceed
with the inspection….but it was obvious from their questions and what they
looked at that they were more interested in the engine and solar panels, etc.
than the fanciful contraband inside.
The Argentinian boarder guards are rotated to different locations ever few months to prevent corruption. While we did not see any evidence of this corruption directly, we did hear that the head customs official usually had the nicest house in town. Because of the extraordinary high tariffs it would be easy to miss the inspection of the occasional ship container... for $50K or so...
The Argentinian boarder guards are rotated to different locations ever few months to prevent corruption. While we did not see any evidence of this corruption directly, we did hear that the head customs official usually had the nicest house in town. Because of the extraordinary high tariffs it would be easy to miss the inspection of the occasional ship container... for $50K or so...
About an hour latter we arrive at a mystery camp site. I am
thinking that the beautiful designed parking lot and fancy bridge over the
lovely river are remnants of someone’s abandoned dream ranch. We learned latter that this is the famous and
controversial private park that was created by the rich American owner of North
Face who was killed the week before on a kayak accident on a nearby lake.
In the park headquarters official camp ground we open The Beast’s wall and bring in an amazing view of the green valley and glacier mountains beyond… and Brian learns to play cribbage. The next day we take one of those amazing day hikes and meet our new friends from Bolson, Argentine who we will latter try to visit at their home.
We spend 2 nights in this lovely road side spot where the
local raft company “take out” is located.
The wall is opened and many an hour are spent, fly fishing, reading, and
playing cards. At first we drove right by because of the "no trespassing sign", but it was too perfect to pass up so Brian drove into town and started asking around for permission to camp there. We did find someone who said it was ok. But after we got parked a guy in a raft pick-up truck said it was private and to leave. With her fluent Spanish, Susan started arguing with the guy and finally convinced him to let us stay. We are constantly
distracted in what ever we are doing by the amazing view of the river, and mountain glaciers beyond.
One of the main attractions in the area are the marble
caves. We drive down a steep road, that
we seriously doubt we could get back up, to the beach and dock where the boats
to the caves leave from.
The lake water and wind has eroded the marble one centimeter
every 100 years. This means the caves
look much like they do now when Jesus was learning carpentry on the other side
of the world.
Nacho’s place
So this may look like just a bit of green grass with a bunch
of motors homes and a few buildings, but it’s not. It’s actually one of the nicest camp grounds we have found.
Upon arrival you might be somewhat disappointed… just a bunch of grass, a building, a few bicycles, tents, and few RVs…. But then out comes Nacho… he has never met you but it does not matter to Nacho. You and who every is with you are now his friend, his guest, and it is his duty, alas his privilege, to welcome you and yours to his home. And by home I mean not his house but the house and grass that he has built for his friends/campers. I have never seen anything like it… a large room with an open fireplace in the middle with an open ceiling (like the northwest USA Indian tepees) for the smoke to escape. There was a large kitchen, picnic tables, a ping pong table, a good stereo, and his / hers bathrooms with warm showers.
Nacho the owner, a refugee from Spain, was traveling around SA, like so many other young backpackers, when he got into some kind of accident where he was seriously injured. Instead of going home to Spain to get the typical 9-5 job, he instead sold his stuff back home, bought some land next to
a world class trout stream, and started one of South America’s most popular
campgrounds. He now grows organic vegetables, plays music, and is married to a shy beautifully
Chilean girl who cooks the best bread in the country.
This structure, the remoteness, and Nachos innate ability to
make people feel at home and safe, made this little patch of grass, and a
building an international melting pot of smiles and conversations. We met the bicyclist from France, the Dad
from Brazil who was traveling with his two son, (one of which was planning to
go to college in the US), the couple from France with cool glasses who were
renting a RV and had driven the silk road in Asia, the Argentine family of 3 on their big holiday with their 8 year old daughter… and if this is not enough there is JACK !!!!!!
Here is Jack !! Not only is he another American (from upstate New York) who speaks English, but the resident fly fishing expert who give free lessons !!!! A good game of ping pong and the three way cribbage match with Jack made the stay all the more enjoyable.
After about 4 months we finally found some Americans Overlanders !!! As you would expect they were driving a Sport Mobile. George and Jenine are from San Francisco, are one their way to to
Ushuaia and are talking about setting down in a small town on the cost of
Chile, Matanzas.
George and Jenine
Here is Jack !! Not only is he another American (from upstate New York) who speaks English, but the resident fly fishing expert who give free lessons !!!! A good game of ping pong and the three way cribbage match with Jack made the stay all the more enjoyable.

George and Jenine

Check out their blog..
One of the many things we had in common were that we both spend a lot of time talking to courious and friendly folks about our "rigs". This would not have been the case if we were driving something common like a Sprinter van.
One of the many things we had in common were that we both spend a lot of time talking to courious and friendly folks about our "rigs". This would not have been the case if we were driving something common like a Sprinter van.
Just another boring hike ......
Susan the horse whisperer
Coming down off the mountain we met Oscar Manguy from La Paz Mexico and his girl friend from Poland (I think from Poland...) They are true explorers. Both had 80 + packs and were going on a loop trip with their inflatable kayak. This was incredibly rugged and steep terrain with no trails. I would like to meet up with Oscar sometime in La Paz. I think they worked for NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School)

The next couple of pictures are of a hike that is distinctive because of the changes in climate and foliage every 1/2 mile.
The wild fushsia were everywhere. Mom you would love this !!!
Although a bit narrow, this is a good road because not much washboard. Notice the glacier in the distance.

The crappy unpaved road. A six hour drive for maybe 40 miles..
Raudal Resort in Futaleufu
An “open the wall stop” in Chile. We read on iOverlander about this place just downriver from Futaleufu, one of the primer rafting spots in South America. On a river with great views, private, a fly fishing spot, quiet, etc. So we put the longitude and latitude into our GPS, arrive we are not disappointed. We have views, water, grass…. Another quintessential overlander wild camp…and I say to myself again nope, no way, it just can’t get better than this, but it does.

The first morning Susan and I are minding out own business reading and marveling at the sun on the cliffs, and the snowy mountains and glaciers when this truck / raft arrives to put-in … and we are immediately invited for a rafting trip. We quickly don our bathing suits and off we go down the pristine clean river that makes other rivers in North America (I can’t say which one for fear of incrimination) look like a drainage ditch in Nebraska. We soon learn that Pilar, who invited us, is just starting a high end ($500 per person per night all inclusive) hotel (worth every penny) just up the hill. She give us the tour…
Here are 2 of the 20 + pet horses.

It turns out that her family owns all the land from a few miles up stream down to the ocean… it’s like from Snoqualmie pass to Puget Sound ( thousand and thousands of acres). The family is wealthy but you wouldn’t know it. Pilar, the kids, and Pilar’s mom, Clara are so content and mellow.

Here is the resort and view of the river and glacier beyond.
One of the many class 4 rapids.

This is probably the stupidest thing I do on the trip.........

It takes a lot to make me nervous but I managed on this one…. I sooo didn’t want to drive back over the bridge but it was the only way back. We said our goodbyes and repeated the same thing with most of the family watching and taking pictures.
Not many times in my life have I felt such relief as when I got all four wheels on firm ground. It takes me several hours to come down off the adrenaline high. I feel very luck to still have my truck and am glad the day was not windy.
Not many times in my life have I felt such relief as when I got all four wheels on firm ground. It takes me several hours to come down off the adrenaline high. I feel very luck to still have my truck and am glad the day was not windy.
Susan thinks The Beast being too big (from the outside) and ostentatious ( possibly because when people show up outside and want to talk I push her out the door). I think her comments about being too big is unfair and, as justification, took this picture comparing the wee little Beast to what I consider a big rig.
You see ... not such a big rig
This is one weird burger like thing...

Another ideal spot where we have a beautiful mountain and lake view, strange bird entertaining us in our front yard, and interesting books to rea
Of course you will recognize this as a Argentinean barbecue. Who needs a stainless steel lid and propane... all that is really needed is a firepit.

This is The Beast's home on Klaus's ranch. The truck will be left here until January, 2017.. but only if we can make it fit into the barn...
Klaus and I are here digging trenches for the tires so that the truck can fit.

A hiking trip up to the famous climbing destination outside of Bariloche.
I hope to come back next season and do some rock climbing here.
I was unaware but evidently there is a dinosaurs problem in Argentine. Fortunately we did not encounter either dinosaurs nor bears.
In search of a place to change the oil we take a two day drive across the Andes mountains to Chile.
This picture of the Chilean equivalent of Home Depot store (in Orsono) shows the difference between Argentine and Chile. Argentine is corrupted by import tariffs and has absolutely crappy hardware stores, while Chile is not so much trade restricted and products are cheaper and much better quality.
Of course you will want to keep your milk bag in your special milk bag cup thing...
We have a very nice meal in meal in Puerto Montt where we finally find a place to change the oil.
We finally arrive at the Ford dealer (after driving through town in heavy traffic looking for truck repair places for 2X hours) and are told they can't change the oil because the truck is a Ford 550. If it were a Ford 450 then they could do it. but wait.. it's almost the same engine and uses the same oil etc. We are about to leave when the Dealership owner happens to walk by and asks us if everything is OK. We tell him and he say this is stupid and gets his people to work on it the next day.... They do a great job and are done by 9:00am. Then we wait for the next 2.5 hours to pay the bill. This is in part you need the equivalent to a social security number to pay for any repair on any car. The owner finally uses his personal number.

This is the nice hotel we stay at.... The primarily motivation is to get internet that's fast enough to post to this blog... but unfortunately it's not fast enough. But it's fun none the less. We bike ride, bowl, sit in the hot springs, play ping pong, etc. 

A hike close to the Hotel.
This is a camp ground on the lake between Bariloche and the boarder crossing into Orsono
We take the 1.5 hour bus trip from El Bolson to Bariloche, a taxi to the hotel... then another taxi to the airport, then to Buenos Aires, another tax to the hotel....
So that ends the 1st part of the South American Adventure. I bought the truck on an impulse, and figured it would force me into an adventure... it turned out better than I ever could have imagined. I loved my time alone and meeting new people, and also my time with Susan and the shared adventure. I am leaving south america only because my real estate business need urgent attention.
I am so looking forward to coming back and resuming the life of reading, hiking, with warm summer evenings, and crips bright mornings. Marveling at the now time and place while having in the background that wonderment of what the next days will be like... what will be seen and who will become friends.
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